Meltham Station Precinct Structure Plan

The Meltham Station Precinct Structure Plan has been developed to guide increased densities in the area surrounding the Meltham train station. 

The Meltham Station Precinct Structure Plan (MSPSP) has been developed and proposed by a landowner in the area.   It aims to guide increased densities in the area.  The MSPSP covers an area within a 200 metre radius of the Meltham Train Station. 



The structure plan area has been divided into three precincts:

  • Mixed use core
  • Residential core
  • Frame.

The mixed use core includes the majority of properties facing Railway Parade and Whatley Crescent. Mixed used developments (commercial, retail and residential) are encouraged. 

The residential core are generally sites behind the mixed use core precinct. Residential uses are encouraged in this precinct.

The core precincts have the highest proposed residential densities and building heights. 

The residential frame accounts for the remainder of the structure plan area.  It provides a transition between the core precincts and the established residential areas beyond the structure plan area.  The residential frame is primarily focused on residential uses, however limited commercial and retail uses can be considered if they don’t impact on the residential amenity. 


Residential densities

The structure plan proposes to increase the residential densities in all precincts. The zoning changes aim to encourage more people to live closer to the train station. 

The two core precincts will have an underlying residential density of 'R-AC3'.  Buildings up to six storeys (subject to special bonus height and plot ratio requirements) are envisioned in this area.

The underlying residential densities in the frame area are proposed to be increased to R60 and R80.  Buildings up to three and four storeys are envisioned in the frame. 

The maps below shows the proposed zonings.




The Meltham Station Precinct Structure Plan was considered by Council in May 2017.  Council resolved not to support the Structure Plan.  The City forwarded Council's resolution to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) for consideration.  The City also included a number of proposed modifications for the WAPC to consider in the event they support the structure plan. 

The MSPSP was endorsed by the WAPC in October 2017 with modification.  It is now in effect. 

In February 2018, Council initiated an amendment to Town Planning Scheme No. 24 to insert new zonings, land uses and development provisions into the Scheme, which are consistent with the endorsed MSPSP.  In July 2018, Council reconsidered the amendment after advertising.  Council resolved to support the amendment with no further modifications. 

The amendment was approval by the WAPC on 17th May 2019.

Please contact Strategic Planning for more information on the Meltham Station Precinct Structure Plan either by phone 9272 0649 or via email to


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