Access and Inclusion Plan

City of Bayswater Access and Inclusion Plan 2020 – 2024

The Access and Inclusion Plan 2020 – 2024 builds upon the work already achieved by the City in its efforts to ensure people with disability have the same opportunities as other people to:

  • access the services of, and any event by, the City
  • access City buildings and facilities
  • make complaints to the City
  • participate in public consultation by the City
  • obtain and maintain employment with the City.

The City is also committed to ensuring people with disability receive information from the City in a format that enables them to access it as readily as other people, and receive the same level and quality of service from the City as other people.

The Plan benefits not only people with disability, but the wider community, including older people and parents with prams.

The Access and Inclusion Plan is available in hard copy and in alternative formats, such as large print, upon request. 

An Easy English version of the Access and Inclusion Plan is available to support people with disability and those with low English literacy.

To request a hard copy of the Access and Inclusion Plan, contact the City's Community Development team on 9272 0658 or email

Access and Inclusion Plan 2020-2024

Access and Inclusion Plan 2020-2024 - Easy English


Frequently Asked Questions

Why does the City of Bayswater need a plan to improve access and inclusion?

The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) is a legislative requirement under the Western Australian Disability Services Act (1993) (the Act). This requires all local governments to review their DAIPs at least every five years. The Act requires local governments to lodge their Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) to the Department of Communities and at the end of each financial year to provide a report on DAIP implementation. 

Achievements that support access and inclusion are reported yearly in the City's Annual Report available at

The Disability Services Act 1993 requires not only City staff but agents and contractors engaged by the City to deliver a service to the public to ensures they take the needs of people with disability into account, in a manner consistent with the Access and Inclusion Plan.

Guide for Agents and Contractors

Why is the City of Bayswater Access and Inclusion Plan important to people with disability?

The City of Bayswater Access and Inclusion Plan 2020 – 2024 guides our organisation to plan for better access and inclusion across seven legislated outcome areas related to services and events, buildings and facilities, information, customer service, complaint mechanisms, consultation processes and employment.

The Access and Inclusion plan benefits people with disability, but also the community as a whole, including older people, parents with prams and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

What suburbs are within the City of Bayswater?

The following suburbs are located in the City of Bayswater: Bayswater, Bedford, Embleton, Maylands, Morley, Noranda, and parts of Dianella and Mount Lawley.

For more information on the City of Bayswater demographic profile, please see our Suburb Profiles.

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