Alcohol Management

Alcoholic beverages are sold and served in many different sizes. Different types of alcoholic-drinks contain different amounts of alcohol, and glass sizes and are often not the same between venues. A standard drink is any drink containing 10 grams of alcohol, regardless of container size or alcohol type (e.g beer, wine, spirit), or approximately:

  • 375ml of mid-strength beer
  • 100ml of wine (13.5% alcohol)
  • 30ml of spirits
  • 250ml of full strength pre-mix spirits (5% alcohol).

Find out more in this resource from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)

'The Australian Guidelines to Reduce Health Risks from Drinking Alcohol


What is a standard drink?

For Australian adults, the NMHRC guidelines advise:

  • No more than two standard drinks a day
  • Avoid binge drinking (drinking more than four standard drinks on a single occasion) 
  • Aim to have at least two alcohol-free days every week
  • Not to consume alcohol during pregnancy.

With every drink, the risk of accidents and injury increase for the person drinking and people around them. Alcohol increases the likelihood of:

  • A person being involved in anti-social behaviour
  • Conflict that can lead to fights and violence
  • Injury due to falls, burns, car crashes etc
  • Unprotected or unwanted sexual encounters
  • Problems with friends and family.
Campaigns and programs

The 'Alcohol. Think Again' campaign aims to decrease alcohol-related harm by reducing harmful drinking. The campaign is an initiative of the Government of Western Australia's Mental Health Commission. For information on alcohol and health, parents and young people, alcohol and the community, where to get help, recent campaigns and resources for the pubic and health professionals, visit

The Cancer Council is an organisation that works with the community to reduce the incidence and the impact of cancer. The Cancer Council website provides information on how to reduce your risk of cancer from alcohol, the negative effects of alcohol, and weight gain from alcohol. Visit

Diabetes WA is the peak body and voice of diabetes in Western Australia. The website provides information on preventing diabetes by limiting alcohol intake and eating for good health. Visit

The Heart Foundation is a charity dedicated to fighting heart disease. The website provides information on decreasing alcohol intake, healthy eating and active living to prevent developing heart disease. Visit   

Healthier Workplace WA is part of the Healthy Workers Initiative, a joint Australian, State and Territory Government initiative under the National Partnership Agreement on Preventive Health. Healthier Workplace WA offers free services to all workplaces across Western Australia to help them support and encourage their workers to make positive lifestyle changes. Healthier Workplace WA can provide you with free face-to-face or phone consultations to help you get started, and implement and evaluate a workplace health and wellbeing program. Free resources are available to help you develop policies, action plans and strategies. Visit

ICCWA is the peak not-for-profit organisation involved in injury prevention and community safety promotion in Western Australia. Visit

LiveLighter is targeted at Australian adults and aims to increase awareness of the link between being overweight and chronic disease, while promoting healthy eating and regular physical activity.  They educate people about the risks associated with poor lifestyle choices; and support the trial, adoption and maintenance of healthy eating, physical activity and healthy weight. Visit  

The Mental Health Commission and the Drug and Alcohol Office joined forces in 2015, and is now known as the Mental Health Commission (MHC). The MHC produces a range of alcohol-related publications and resources, including factsheets, posters and self help guides. Visit

Useful tools

My Healthy Balance is an innovative and interactive healthy lifestyle program designed by health professionals to help you improve your health. Visit

Standard Drink Tool. Learn how many standard drinks are in common glasses. Visit  

Risk Assessment Tool.  Assess if your drinking habits are putting you at risk. Visit

Local alcohol and drug support

55 Central 55 Central Avenue, Maylands, WA 6051 

55 Central is a specialist organisation that operates in the inner metropolitan area and works to break the cycle of homelessness by providing person centred, evidence based services to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Shopfront 170 Whatley Crescent Maylands

Core business is supporting the homeless community or those who are risk.  They also have the ability to support people with addictions.

Elizabeth Hansen Autumn Centre 340 Guildford Road, Bayswater

Offer support and partner with Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service to deliver health and wellbeing programs, including alcohol management.

Local Drug Action Groups 7 Field Street, Mount Lawley, WA 6050

Local Drug Action Groups (LDAGs) were established in 1996 as part of a government initiative based on the belief that an important part of addressing alcohol and other drug issues was to work from within the community. These groups work in partnership with the Government of Western Australia.

Wungening Aboriginal Corporation 211 Royal Street, East Perth, WA 6004

Wundening Aboriginal Corporation provides a holistic counselling service to clients dealing with drug and alcohol problems.

North East Metro Community Alcohol and Drug Service 4 Stafford Street, Midland, WA 6056

The integrated North East Metro Community Alcohol and Drug Service (NEMCADS) is a partnership between Holyoake and Next Step Alcohol and Drug Services. Holyoake provides counselling and support for individuals and their families, while Next Step provides medical and psychological services. 

North Metro Community Alcohol and Drug Service

The integrated North Metro Community Alcohol and Drug Service is a partnership between Cyrenian House and Next Step.
The service provides individuals and their families with improved access to a comprehensive range of alcohol and drug services in one location.  

Cyrenian House

Cyrenian House is a not-for-profit, non-government organisation that has been operating since 1981. It is one of the leading alcohol and drug treatment services in Western Australia, providing counselling and support for individuals and their families  

DAWN (Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal Network)

DAWN (Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal Network) is a free and confidential service for adults who want to reduce or cease alcohol or substance use in their home environment. If you have a medical or mental health condition, it does not exclude you from this service.

24 hour alcohol and drug support lines

Alcohol and Drug Support Line

Phone (08) 9442 5000
The Alcohol and Drug Support Line is a confidential, non-judgmental telephone counselling, information and referral service for anyone seeking help for their own or another person’s alcohol or drug use.  The service is available 24/7. 

The Parent and Family Drug Support Line

Phone (08) 9442 5050
The Parent and Family Drug Support Line is a confidential, non-judgmental telephone counselling, information and referral service for families and carers concerned about a loved one’s alcohol or drug use.  Professional counsellors are available 24/7.

In addition to professional counsellors, the Parent and Family Drug Support Line has a network of trained parent volunteers who have experienced their own child’s alcohol or drug use. Parent volunteers are available by telephone between 8:00am and 10:00pm each day. 

Alcohol and Drug Information Service

Phone: (08) 9442 5000 or toll-free for country callers 1800 198 024
The Alcohol and Drug Information Service is a one-stop-shop for GPs and other professionals looking for quick access to information about drug and alcohol use, and the types of treatment services available. It also provides:

  • Care plan support for GPs in rural and remote areas
  • Debriefing sessions for those working in the drug and alcohol sector, and blood born virus sector
  • Regular telephone mentoring sessions for those who face drug and alcohol issues in their line of work or volunteering.
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