Maylands Activity Centre Zone


The Maylands Urban Design Framework (MUDF) was developed by the City and the Department of Planning and Infrastructure (now the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage) to guide built form within the Maylands Town Centre.  It covers the area within 400 metres of the Maylands Train Station. 


The MUDF divides the town centre into six precincts:

Precinct Plan 1 - Main Street

The Main Street Precinct is characterised as a pedestrian scaled, mixed use urban area. The precinct provides a variety of commercial and retail uses that service the local population and visitors. Residential and office land uses are to be provided on upper levels of buildings. The Main Street Precinct includes Eighth Avenue and Whatley Crescent and Guildford Road between Seventh Avenue and Ninth Avenue. 

The objectives of the Main Street Precinct are to:

  • Encourage residential land uses as a vital component of the Main Street Precinct, while protecting ground floor active uses from being displaced by residential land uses
  • Ensure the development of active and continuous shop fronts along street frontages occurs
  • Ensure adequate private open space is provided for all residents and visitors
  • Address all adjoining street frontages and avoidance of blank walls and uninteresting building frontages.
Precinct 2 - Boulevard

The Boulevard Precinct provides a mix of daily needs - supermarket, office and residential uses.  The Boulevard Precinct will have larger scaled buildings because of the road network and availability of large land parcels suitable for redevelopment.  The Boulevard Precinct includes the large shops fronting Guildford Road. 

The objectives of the Boulevard Precinct are to:

  • Encourage medium to large scale mixed use development characterised by a combination of high quality commercial and residential facilities
  • Promote the retention of existing large format retail uses, such as supermarkets, in a compatible mixed use format
  • Minimise the impacts of noise relating to mixed uses and vehicle traffic along Guildford Road
  • Encourage active land use at the street level
  • Provide convenient and visible vehicle access, while reducing the visual dominance of car parks on the streetscape
  • Establish a sense of arrival to the Maylands activity centre through the development of landmark buildings on strategic development sites.
Precinct 3 - Town Centre

The Town Centre Precinct is characterised by residential land. The Town Centre Precinct provides an opportunity for small changes over time to accommodate mixed use residential, retail, restaurant and offices. This precinct includes the properties on Seventh and Ninth Avenue on the southern side of the railway line, and fronting Railway Parade between Seventh and Tenth Avenue.

The objectives of the Town Centre Precinct are to:

  • Accommodate existing residential uses while providing the opportunity for staged change to accommodate the expansion of the main street precinct
  • Support existing uses adjacent to the Town Centre, while encouraging growth in line with Transit Oriented Development (TOD) principles
  • Encourage the establishment of home-based businesses and consultancy services opposite  the Main Street Precinct
  • Ensure adequate private and public open space is provided for all residents and visitors.
Precinct 4 -Residential (infill)

The Residential (infill) Precinct generally consists of single residential low and medium density dwellings. The intent for the residential zone is to enable the development of land close to the activity centre and provide a wide range of new types of dwelling. The Residential Precinct includes properties along Rowlands Street, Warnes Street, George Street and Railway Parade between Seventh and Sixth Avenue. 

The objectives of the Residential (infill) Precinct are to:

  • Increase the provision of residential uses, while retaining and enhancing the landscaped street character
  • Ensure the nature of development complements the character of existing residential development
  • Protect existing residents from inappropriate neighbouring built form outcomes.
Precinct 5 -Residential (Ross's Site)

The Residential (Ross’s Site) Precinct will have a variety of residential types, with some small scale retail and office uses permitted.  Commercial and retail land uses are encouraged on street corners and along Railway Parade. The Residential (Ross's site) Precinct includes the former Ross's site (245 Railway Parade). 

The objectives of the Residential (Ross's site) Precinct is to:

  • Enable the redevelopment of large land parcels to accommodate high quality residential developments
  • Increase the provision of residential uses in a way that retains the landscaped street front character of the existing residential land uses
  • Provide commercial uses on significant corners at ground level within the precinct that are compatible with residential development.
Precinct 6 - Civic

The Civic Precinct contains a range of community, cultural and recreational facilities in a parkland setting. The aim for the Civic Precinct is to establish a relationship between the built form and the public area, and to ensure connection between public open space (POS) elements is achieved both visually and physically. The Civic Precinct included the City's facilities at the RISE. 

The objectives of the Civic Precinct are to:

  • Integrate the interface between built form and public open space
  • Reinforce the Civic Precinct as the cultural and community heart of the Maylands activity centre by enhancing the relationship between built form and the public domain
  • Provide physical and visual connectivity between open space elements within the precinct
  • Improve the quality and safety of existing pedestrian linkages within the precinct
  • Provide a variety of open spaces for recreation
  • Encourage the introduction of land uses to activate the precinct outside of normal business hours
  • Encourage the development of double fronted pavilion-style buildings that address both street networks and public open space, to promote surveillance and safety within the precinct.



Council endorsed the Maylands Activity Centre Urban Design Framework in December 2009, following widespread community consultation.

To implement the recommendations of the Urban Design Framework, a scheme amendment has been undertaken to legislate development controls and to zone the town centre the "Maylands Activity Centre Zone". Final approval for Scheme Amendment No. 45 to Town Planning Scheme No. 24 to implement the Maylands Activity Centre Zone was granted by the Hon Minister for Planning on 6 December 2011 and published in the Government Gazette on 14 December 2011.

The Maylands town centre has been developing in accordance with the principles of the MUDF since this time. 


Please contact Strategic Planning for more information on the Maylands Activity Centre Zone either by phone 9272 0649 or via email to

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